
Research Essay checklist

Please remember to:

  • Include, in whatever balance is appropriate, three components:  your ideas about the painting, your ideas about the poem, and your research
  • Include quotations from both the poem and your sources—and any time you include a quotation, make sure it’s not its own sentence but is part of a sentence, even if all that exists outside the quotation is According to SoAndSo, “Blah blah blah blah blah” (123).
  • Check the organization of your essay—write an outline of the draft you’re working on to see if you like the order of ideas
  • Make sure you have a thesis statement, and make sure it fits the essay you’re writing
  • Avoid over-generalizing, especially in your introduction—remember that you want to argue something specific, not some universal truth that would be impossible to discuss well in 4-5 pages
  • Think back to the initial questions you came up with for the project—do you answer them, something like them, different questions altogether, or is your essay merely a report of research collected?
  • Write an essay that interests you, that you’re proud of, and that upholds college regulations on academic integrity
  • Use a parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence any time you refer to someone else’s words or ideas
  • Include a bibliographic entry in your Works Cited page for each source you quote from or refer to in your essay, and use easybib.com to help you format your citations—remember that the poem and painting should also be in your Works Cited page!
  • Remove the annotations from your bibliographic entries that you wrote for the Annotated Bibliography
  • Double-space your essay using the option in the paragraph menu, and indent the first line of each paragraph—and use a hanging indent on your Works Cited citations
  • Proofread your essay, looking and listening for places where commas belong, for sentences that you might combine, for incorrect word, tense, or number choice, for sentence boundary errors, for illogical phrasing, and other errors
  • Put titles of poems and paintings in quotation marks, books, magazines, journals, newspapers in italics
  • Give your essay a title
  • Upload your essay to our shared folder on Dropbox.com by the start of class on Wednesday.

Thank you—I look forward to reading your essays!

It just came to my attention that the version of the poem “Mourning Picture” on the site we have been using is incomplete.  Since it’s so late in the semester, I will not fault you if you only use the first two stanzas as you write about the painting and poem in your essays.  However, the final stanza might be very helpful for you, so I want to offer you the chance to read the whole poem–look for it here.  If you want to talk to me about this correction and what it means for your essay, please get in touch with me either by talking to be before or after class or by e-mailing me, or by talking to me in my office during an appointment or my office hours.

I hope this new information helps!

Comparisons for the final exam

  • Compare As I Lay Dying with “A Rose for Emily”—what theme?
  • Depictions of death:  Dead bodies, acceptance/denial of death:  “The Story of an Hour,” Trifles, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death,” “Mourning Picture,” “Starry Night,” “Facing It”
  • Point of view:  narrators
  • Community:  AILD, “ARfE,” “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” Trifles
  • Characterization:  any
  • Ulterior motives/revenge: Addie’s revenge; other character’s motives for going to Jefferson; “TSoaH,” Trifles, “ARfE”
  • Family: “WYPIWR” “TSoaH”
  • Isolation/privacy
  • Parent/child situations:  Trifles, “HLWE,” “Mourning picture”
  • Journeys:  “WYPIWR,” “BICNSfD”
  • Irony:
  • Geography/setting:
  • Poverty: Jackson Jackson, “The House on Mango Street”
  • Communication techniques
  • Alternative communication
  • travel


The story “A Rose for Emily” will be good to compare because it is by the same author William Faulkner.


the text that i am thinking to compare As I Lay Dying with  is A Rose for Emily which is also by William faulkner, for my final.

As i lay dying ending.

I must say that the Bundrens are a crazy group. Darl proves that he really is a crazy person and go what he deserved. I cant believe Anse actually went and got married, he couldn’t even wait a month. I think MacGowan just had sex with Dewey Dell and gave her some sugar pills to trick her.

Today’s presentation

Today’s presentation was excellent do anybody else think so?

In this section we learn that Darl, Anse, Jewel, Dewey Dell, Tull, Cash, Vernon and Vardaman, and Addie in the casket are tyring to cross the bridge but everything goes bad.  Dewey Dell, Vardaman and Anse cross to the other side of the river bank. While the rest are trying to do something with the rope (which I didn’t really understand). Cash falls down and breaks his legs. In his small, one sentence, narration all he says is that the cakset wasn’t on balance and that he told them it wasn’t on balance before  but they didn’t listen.

In this section we learn that Anse didn’t want Jewel to ride on his horse he wanted him to sit with them in the wagon.  In the wagon they had Addie’s casket.  She was dead already for three days and the smell is horriable. We also got a narration from a character not in the book, Samson. They stayed overnight at his house. Samson said the smell of the corpse was so strong that he couldn’t tell if he was imagining it or really actually smelling it. He also couldn’t believe that they are going on this long journey to bury Addie.  Dewey Dell probably has her own agenda for going to Jefferson since she wants an abortion. Jewel was very sleepy and always feel alseep, because he cleaned 40 acres of land of Mr. Quick.  Jewel did this so that he can buy a horse and he did. Anse got very mad when he found.

In this this section of the book we learn that Cash is very robot like.  He lists everything by numbers. For Example, 1. “There is more surface for the nails to grip.” 2.”There is twice the gripping-surface to each seam” etc all the way till number 13 which was “It makes a neater job.” Varadaman who is the youngest, wrote only one sentence in his narration. It was “my mother is a fish” and thats it.  He basically thinks that because he went fishing and catched a fish the day his mother died, his fish he caught has something to do with her death. Then Tull narratored and said that the bridge (Anse wants to take Addie to Jefferson to burry her) is  not sturdy. Cash made Addies casket loook like “clockshape” and a small drawing of the casket is shown. Cora talked about god…”I’m bounding toward my God my reward.”